I am running Pynq 2.5.1.
I am building pynq by adding
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " python3-pynq "
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " python3-pynq-notebooks "
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " pynq-overlay "
into my petalinux image. (Along a with a number of other python3 recipes.)
This builds fine but is obviously less than the whole solution. I have not done any customization to the image that gets built via Yocto in so obviously I am missing something. (I was not aware of Pynq’s need for the HW definition file.)
I have found the petalinux section in the “Python Productivity for Zynq (Pynq)” manual. I need to read through it and determine what I need to add to my build. At that time I may come back with more questions.
Until that time, it’s RTFM.
Doug Bailey