Definition of a Memory in PYNQ

PYNQ v3.0.1, Xilinx Alveo U.2 SmartSSD: xilinx_u2_gen3x4_xdma_gc_2_202210_1

I’m curious as to how a memory is defined within PYNQ. I was looking at within the pl_server folder of the PYNQ library which has a method called _add_argument_memory().

Are connections necessary to define a memory?
What does it refer to and is there any other way to manually add/turn on a memory from PYNQ if the xclbin already describes it existing.

Can it be related to the following xclbin output on memory?

The xclbin came from the following block diagram:

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From my understanding a memory is mapped in PYNQ, ONLY when there is a connection to it right?