Gordian knot @make: gcc-multilib vs. gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Hi Vnick and Emcyhn, hope you’re doing well.
I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 in a VMware workstation. The Xilinx tools are the 2020.2 as well as the PetaLinux version. At first, I had the same problem when running make BOARDS=Pynq-Z1. This problem was solved by following this: PYNQ 2.5 ct-ng build error. For instance, I went to ~/PYNQ/sdcard/build/ and remove the gcc-mb folder. After that, I run make BOARDS=Pynq-Z1.
However, the crosstool-ng uses broken links to the libisl and expat. To correct that I used: Resolving download issues (e.g isl-0.20, expat-2.2.6) · Issue #1625 · crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng · GitHub. Specifically, I edited the libisl and expat mirrors in /opt/crosstool-ng/share/crosstool-ng/config/versions/isl.in and expat.in, and /opt/crosstool-ng/share/crosstool-ng/packages/isl/packages.desc and /opt/crosstool-ng/share/crosstool-ng/packages/expat/packages.desc. Then remove the gcc-mb and run make again. With this changes the compilation process continued.
Hope it can be useful.
Dorfell :slight_smile:

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