How do I use a PMOD OLED from my own overlay

I would like to add the support I need for a PMOD OLED to an overlay I created. I am using HLS and Vivado version 2018.3. Are there instructions on how to do this?

In the base design, the Pmod OLED is used from a MicroBlaze subsystem, what we call the “IOP” in PYNQ. If you only want to use the Pmod OLED, you don’t need this IOP, but it allows you to use a range of peripherals from the same overlay.

You could copy the IOP design from the base Overlay to your new overlay. (Or you could start with Base, and delete everything you don’t need - this might be easier as the IOP system is a little complicated and has a number of blocks that need to be connected and configured correctly.)

If you only want the OLED, it has a SPI interface. You could use the AXI SPI controller. You would then need to determine the commands you need to send to it.

You might be able to find examples on the internet of other people using this.


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