I am using PYZQ-Z1 for my project.
I’ve made a custom overlay with my HDL and basic xADC block, but when I want to read adc data on jupyter notebook I just got 0.
(I’ve upload .hwh .tcl .bit file to jupyter notebook)
Thank you for your help!
I am using PYZQ-Z1 for my project.
I’ve made a custom overlay with my HDL and basic xADC block, but when I want to read adc data on jupyter notebook I just got 0.
(I’ve upload .hwh .tcl .bit file to jupyter notebook)
Thank you for your help!
Can you post the code or block image for your overlay?
Sorry for the delay. I was just doing the same thing. The easiest is to map the registers to an array with
adc = ol.xadc_wiz_0.mmio.array
This will create a HUGE np array, which is indexed by 32-bit word (ie, no need for the *4 thing). The status registers start at 128 (I learned this entirely by trial and error). You can find their definitions here:
So temp is at 128+0x00, VP/VN is at 128+0x03, VnauxN is at 128+0x10+N, etc
The 12-bit ADC value is left shifted by 4, so you can treat it like 16-bit, and all the external inputs have a 1V full range, but note that six of the AUX pins are tied to the Arduino analog inputs via a resistor divider, given them a 3.3V range.
I hope this helps.
Hello, ejon.
I will try the method you provided and share the results later.
I appreciate your help very much.
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