USing RPi 26 pins as GPIO to the LCP


Could some one guide me in these two queries?

1: How to use RPi header 26 pins as GPIO to the LCP in PYNQ Z2 using default logictool overlay?
2: What is the pin name to access RPI GPIO pins?
3: Can I change the pin name (D0,D1…) in below and use pattern_generator?

from pynq.overlays.logictools import LogicToolsOverlay
from pynq.lib.logictools import Waveform
logictools_olay = LogicToolsOverlay(‘logictools.bit’)
up_counter_stimulus = {‘signal’: [
{‘name’: ‘bit0’, ‘pin’: ‘D0’, ‘wave’: ‘lh’ * 8},
{‘name’: ‘bit1’, ‘pin’: ‘D1’, ‘wave’: ‘l.h.’ * 4},
{‘name’: ‘bit2’, ‘pin’: ‘D2’, ‘wave’: ‘l…h…’ * 2},
{‘name’: ‘bit3’, ‘pin’: ‘D3’, ‘wave’: ‘l…h…’}]}
waveform = Waveform(up_counter_stimulus)