/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pynq/pl_server/xrt_device.py:89: UserWarning: xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version 'xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version')

I use RFSOC 2*2 Board, First I received the board, it works properly and I could run examples such as spectrum analyzer
However, I replaced PynQ v2.6 with PynQ v2.7 in received SD-Card
Then, I faced this error and can’t solve it
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pynq/pl_server/xrt_device.py:89: UserWarning: xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version ‘xbutil failed to run - unable to determine XRT version’)

Hi there,

Could you give a bit more info how to reproduce this error? Are you connected over serial, ssh, jupyter lab?

From pynq v2.7 we use a python virtual environment for pynq, so in case you are connected over ssh or serial you might see this if you haven’t sourced it. In which case logging in as root and sourcing the venv should resolve it

sudo -i
source /etc/profile.d/pynq_venv.sh


Hi Shawn

Thanks for reply

I downloaded Pynq2.7 from the official website and substitute the original SD card Pynq 2.6 with that.

Then not working.

I run this command in Jupyter Terminal and didn’t work here is the results:

root@pynq:~# sudo -i
root@pynq:~# source /etc/profile.d/pynq_venv.sh
-bash: /etc/profile.d/pynq_venv.sh: No such file or directory

That’s very weird! Just to double check, you’re downloading from this link https://bit.ly/rfsoc2x2_2_7 from the pynq.io webpage?

Do the /etc/profile.d or /etc directories exist at all? Maybe something got corrupted while flashing the image. What size of SD card are you using?

I suggest trying to re-burn the SD card image.


Thank you so much, I ordered a new 32 GB micro SD card and downloaded PynQ 2.7 using the link that you sent to me and flash it on a Micro SD card, and the problem was resolved.
Thank you so much again for your help.

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