Thank you for your answer!
I am relieved at first that the SD image is okay since it take a lot to me.
But I am frustrated a little bit because I think the SD image includes the basic bit files.
Please check whether I am correct.
To load a overlay, I use the command at the Jupyter Notebooks.
But, I should locale the *.bit files on the FPGA.
from pynq import Overlay
overlay = Overlay(“base.bit”) -
the easiest way to make bit files is to reuse ZCU104 case.
the guide site is here: ZCU104 Overlays — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq)
Somehow, I change the overlay to my own ZCU102.
Then, make(in linux) the bit stream files.
Current version does not have the bit files.but, one can generate by using the file.
** what is the difference between typing make on the board folder and running the file in root directory?
** what files should I make? and what files should I move into the sd cards(or home folder)?
** I tried to execute the file. but I got a license (probably HDMI) issue.
- I found the solutions, but I don’t know how to figure it out. Could you give me a hand?
; PYNQ 2.5.2 => how to disable synthesis for undesired boards? (to save time and licences)
; Problems getting build system up and running
- therefore, if I made my bitstream file, and load using the pynq Overlay function, I could use my FPGA boards.
Thank you for your help!