Could not find IP or hierarchy in video Overlay

Hi everyone,

I am using a PYNQ Z2 board. The main purpose is to use HDMI IN/OUT from our board thanks to the jupyter server.

This is our modele from Vivado 2022 :

There are no errors in our modele and we exported the bit stream and put the .bit, .hwh, .tcl in our folder on Jupyter.

We imported the overlay and tried to manipulated the hdmi in and out but an error occured "Could not find IP or hierarchy in video Overlay " :

Do you have any leads or ideas ?

Thanks a lot,

Hi @symbole,

The error message is clear. You do not have any IP or hierarchy with the name video.
If you want to use the HDMI on the board, I suggest you use the base overlay as starting point.


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