Creating convolution overlay

Hi there,
I have been trying to create a convolution overlay for pynqz2 board. I am using vitis hls 2021.2 and vivado 2021.2

I am attaching the .cpp file
convolution.cpp (2.5 KB)
C synthesis and IP generation is over. But in creating block design in vivado I am facing some problems.
This is the block design:

This is the error I am facing.
Here the in_stream is the input matrix and kernel_stream is the kernel we are taking to multiply.
I am new to this. Please help me out.

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Hi Riah,
My question is out of your topic, but Iā€™m interested on CNN and if you can share any links or some document can help me to design CNN on hols


Feel free to use:


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Hi Riah
could you solve your problem?
I have the same problem
and I need help