I want to run the yolov3 on my pynq z2 board. I used vivado for the hardware part and petalinux for the OS (2019.1 version). I followed the same steps and used the same recipes of an old project(the link is down below) for petalinux and I installed dnndk v3.0 on the board, I downloaded the post processing programs C++ on my board as it said on the old project. But when I compile yolo on the board. It says the dpu_yolo.elf file is not recognized. I generated my dpu_yolo.elf file in vitis AI 1.0.0 because I can’t compile it on DNNDK anymore. I would like to know why the elf file is not recognized ? How can I fix it ?
link : GitHub - JinChen-tw/pynqz2_dpu140: This TRD is implement DPU v1.4.0 on PYNQ-Z2 board
sincerely yours.