Making overlays that support additional packages for Zedboard

Hello, I am a bit of a beginner and this is one of my first projects, i have made some PYNQ images for my Zedboard with bitstreams and tcl files that i found on this forum, i followed the tutorial but the problem is the images don’t seem to boot on my board.

I have came to understand that i needed to make a Custom PYNQ base overlay with Vivado to be able to compile a PYNQ 2.6 image for my Zedboard that supports ethernet, the boot_LED package, the PYNQ Jupyter package at least.

i can’t find the right way to make a base overlay for my board in the tutorials,
can someone please help me by giving me a general outline of the steps i need to follow to make a base overlay that supports ethernet and PYNQ for Zedboard ?

Thanks in advance for your attention.

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Can you post more details about the steps you took?
It sounds like your image builds. Does your board boot? - can you connect a terminal to check this?
Ethernet is connected to PS so is not related to the Overlay. You need to make sure it works with your custom image.


Hello !
Thanks for answering, i tried looking at the UART and the OS is booting, and i can interact with linux normally, but still no eth0 activity,
i tried restarting the network services but it doesn’t answer ping from my computer,
and the blue Done LED doesn’t light after the system is booted.

while if i flash a PYNQ 2.4 image i found online : eth0 works directly and the done LED both work.
do you think i made some mistake while making the hwh files or is this completely unrelated ?
thanks again for taking the time to answer me.

Hey; just coming back to close this thread, finally got everything working, i didn’t have any problem and i was mainly confused.
really all i had to do for the image generation was to have a bitstream and a hwh generated with vivado 2020.1

i had to relaunch the network interfaces with systemd.

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