I see that in pynq repo that the base overlay is supported for three boards PYNQZ1, PYNQZ2 and ZCU104.
Can we build the base overlay for other boards?
Are there any docs for this?
Thank you
I see that in pynq repo that the base overlay is supported for three boards PYNQZ1, PYNQZ2 and ZCU104.
Can we build the base overlay for other boards?
Are there any docs for this?
Thank you
What board do you have, and what parts of the “base” design do you want. These 3 base designs have differences. Z1/Z2 are similar and are Zynq designs. There are a few differences in the ZCU104 and it is for a Zynq Ultrascale+.
You can find instructions to rebuild the base design here:
Base Overlay — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq).
At a minimum you need to change the board/device and the pins constraints.
There is a tutorial on rebuilding the base overlay here:
Thank you, I have a ZC702 Board.
I already ported a latest Pynq Image for it, the link is here: GitHub - DeepYNet/zynq-zc702-pynq: Ported pynq image for zc702 board from zynq-7000 family
For understanding, I have also made a custom pynq overlay of adder: zc702-examples/Examples/leds_pynq at main · DeepYNet/zc702-examples · GitHub
Further, I was exploring more about Pynq DPU and wanted to run DPU on this board but before that I thought I will do some more testing on base overlay.