Hi, at the moment I am trying to convert an image to grayscale with a custom function. I am using my Pynq board, Vivado HLS 2018.3 and the xfOpenCV library, which says that ‘>>’ operator or write() is not available with xf::Mat. Could you please tell me how to change these instructions for another compatible on my below code?
void converttogrey(xf::Mat<TYPE, HEIGHT, WIDTH, NPC1> &img_in,xf::Mat<TYPE, HEIGHT, WIDTH, NPC1> &img_out){
RGB_PIX pin; // typedef xf::Scalar<3, unsigned char>
GREY_PIX pout; // typedef xf::Scalar<1, unsigned char>
Pixel grey_val; // integer 10 bitsL_row: for(int row = 0; row < 512; row++) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=1 max=512
L_col: for(int col = 0; col < 512; col++) {
#pragma HLS LOOP_TRIPCOUNT min=1 max=512
#pragma HLS pipeline II=1 rewind//img_in >> pin; Format not valid with xfopencv library grey_val = const1 * pin.val[0] + const2 * pin.val[1] + const3 * pin.val[2]; pout.val[0] = grey_val; pout.val[1] = grey_val; pout.val[2] = grey_val; //img_out << pout; Format not valid with xfopencv library} }