PYNQ-Z2 board - Ethernet connection query

Hey @kanugent,

I did this process using Pynq version 2.4, but I think it should still work for 2.5

As a first step, you need to run the wifi.ipynb example under the common folder.
Make sure you can connect to your network wirelessly using the SSID and password, and that you can ping the example website. (It is yahoo .com in the example)

Once you have connected, open up a terminal in Jupyter.
Type ifconfig and you should now have an entry for “wlan0”.
Write down the IP address for this as you will need it later to connect to Jupyter.

Next follow the instructions from this link:

The main difference is you will be adding a few more lines to the new file you add to etc/init.d
Here is what I wrote for my file:
(just note that the “#Provides:” line has the name of the file, which my file name is “”)

# Provides:
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
# Description: Enable service provided by daemon.
from pynq.lib import Wifi
port = Wifi()
ssid = “myssid”
pwd = “mypassword”
port.connect(ssid, pwd)

Once you have done that, you can reboot your Pynq board, (while still connected through Ethernet).
Confirm that the board is connecting to WiFi on boot. You can do this by running ifconfig and seeing the wlan0 has an IP address, if it does, then it should be working correctly.

Finally, disconnect from the Ethernet and reboot the Pynq board. Now to connect Jupyter again use the IP address that was listed under wlan0 followed by the port (:9090), and you should be able to connect.