Reset device without Xlnk function

Hi. I am using the Pynq - z1 with v2.7 offical image. and When I run the BNN-example offerred by the github. It reset with the Xlnk package like below which was removed in 2.7 image.

// Reset the device
from pynq import Xlnk

xlnk = Xlnk();

How can I replace these code for software resetting?

the example link BNN-PYNQ/CNV-BNN_SVHN.ipynb at master · Xilinx/BNN-PYNQ · GitHub


This has been asked a few times already. A solution is here Repalcement for xlnk.xlnk_reset() in PYNQ v2.7 - #8 by Annew


Hello Marioruiz

I am not sure the was that same cause I am not deleting the specific part?
If just for reseting the device as a software reset, what should I modify the parameter(the del function include) as the solution demo.

As mentioned in the link I shared, there is no replacement for this since 2.7. You have to remove this from the code.

Be aware that the BNN-PYNQ is not longer supported by the maintainers.