RFSoC 4x2 OFDM channel estimation

Hi there,

I recently got an RFSoC 4x2 and have been experimenting with the example designs. In the OFDM example, I noticed that there are three inspector IPs that allow real-time monitoring of data transmission. I was wondering if the tapped data contains training symbols for channel estimation. Also, why is the length limited to 1024? (I’m using ofdm_hw.inspectors['transmitter'].get_frame() to capture new data.) Can this limit be increased?

Best wishes,

Useless forum. Found my own way to do the estimation.

Hi @Kelly,

Welcome to the PYNQ community.

I am glad to hear that you found a solution.

The forum benefits from its member contributing. Could you share the way that you are doing the estimation? This can benefit other users.
