Source code for the OFDM Transceiver on the RF-SoC 2x2

Hi everyone, I’m new here and I’m currently working with the RF-SoC 2x2 for my bachelor’s degree in Electronics&Telecommunications Engineering.
My final goal would ideally be to create an OFDM Transceiver for 5G signals, and since I’m not very used to write my programs in Python the idea was to consult the code for the pre-installed OFDM Transceiver on the board.
However the demonstrator contains just a few code lines, so it would be quite nice if someone told me where I can find them ( like what path I need to follow to retrieve them, where I have to type the path, ecc).
Thanks in advance to anybody who may be able to help me!

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Hi there,

The actual data generation and modulation is actually happening in the hardware design, not Python. The OFDM transceiver for the demo was built using Simulink and HDL Coder, you can find the source projects here rfsoc_ofdm/boards/ip/hdl_coder at main · strath-sdr/rfsoc_ofdm · GitHub.


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Hi, maybe, you can modify the source code available at the link below:

It is based on OFDM and Python. However, these are not for 5G NR. It is a custom design similar to Wi-Fi PPDU. Note that I don’t implement an OFDM transceiver in the FPGA. I use RFSoC2x2 as an SDR, where the code can run at the host (e.g., PYNQ or your own computer).
