Hello everyone.
I’m trying to develop an original spectrum analyzer referring to rfsoc_sam/spectrum_analyser.
I am currently trying to connect the AXI-DMA to a spectrum_analyser IP and display the power spectrum in PYNQ. However, when I try to display it, I get an error “RuntimeError: DMA not start”. I have tried everything but cannot solve the problem. If you know how to solve this problem, please help me.
The spectrum_analyser IP is created by HDL Coder. The DMA operation is in the get_frame function of receiver_frontend.py.
The first picture is the AXI-DMA setup screen, the second is when the power spectrum is displayed in PYNQ, and the third is when the error “RuntimeError: DMA not start”.
FPGA: RFSoC 4×2 PYNQ version: 3.0.0
Thank you.
spectrum_analyser.zip (221.9 KB)
RegisterMap {
MM2S_DMACR = Register(RS=0, Reset=0, Keyhole=0, Cyclic_BD_Enable=0, IOC_IrqEn=0, Dly_IrqEn=0, Err_IrqEn=0, IRQThreshold=0, IRQDelay=0),
MM2S_DMASR = Register(Halted=0, Idle=0, SGIncld=0, DMAIntErr=0, DMASlvErr=0, DMADecErr=0, SGIntErr=0, SGSlvErr=0, SGDecErr=0, IOC_Irq=0, Dly_Irq=0, Err_Irq=0, IRQThresholdSts=0, IRQDelaySts=0),
MM2S_CURDESC = Register(Current_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
MM2S_CURDESC_MSB = Register(Current_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
MM2S_TAILDESC = Register(Tail_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
MM2S_TAILDESC_MSB = Register(Tail_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
MM2S_SA = Register(Source_Address=0),
MM2S_SA_MSB = Register(Source_Address=0),
MM2S_LENGTH = Register(Length=0),
SG_CTL = Register(SG_CACHE=0, SG_USER=0),
S2MM_DMACR = Register(RS=1, Reset=0, Keyhole=0, Cyclic_BD_Enable=0, IOC_IrqEn=1, Dly_IrqEn=0, Err_IrqEn=0, IRQThreshold=1, IRQDelay=0),
S2MM_DMASR = Register(Halted=0, Idle=0, SGIncld=0, DMAIntErr=0, DMASlvErr=0, DMADecErr=0, SGIntErr=0, SGSlvErr=0, SGDecErr=0, IOC_Irq=0, Dly_Irq=0, Err_Irq=0, IRQThresholdSts=0, IRQDelaySts=0),
S2MM_CURDESC = Register(Current_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
S2MM_CURDESC_MSB = Register(Current_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
S2MM_TAILDESC = Register(Tail_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
S2MM_TAILDESC_MSB = Register(Tail_Descriptor_Pointer=0),
S2MM_DA = Register(Destination_Address=0),
S2MM_DA_MSB = Register(Destination_Address=0),
S2MM_LENGTH = Register(Length=0)