I’m trying to port PYNQ on an iWave G35M board, which features an 8GB eMMC in addition to the SDcard reader.
As a result, on this board /dev/mmbclk0
refers to the eMMC as opposed to the SDcard, which is instead named /dev/mmcblk1
. I believe PYNQ assumes the SDcard to be accessible through /dev/mmcblk0
which is probably the de-facto standard for all supported boards.
This actually breaks a few things, as, for instance, resizefs.sh
will try to resize /dev/mmcblk0p2
and that is not a nice thing to do.
The same thing applies to the u-boot environment, which by default ends up in the eMMC and that might be confusing in the long run, as one would expect an SDcard to be self-contained.
On the other hand, one might want to just burn the resulting PYNQ .img in the eMMC somehow, though I have no idea what a linear workflow might be though.
Anyway, is there any plan or idea on how to make this (mmcblk0 or mmcblk1) configurable?
Thank you!