Artix-7 Board

Can I use PYNQ on an Artix-7 board like Nexys4-DDR = Nexys A7 100T by implementing a microblaze or Cortex-M soft core, instead of Zynq that has an ARM hard core ?

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TL;DR: No.

Pynq is relying on a complete operating system and requires a real computer with large amount of resources, not just a micro-controller.

For a microblaze, you have two options:

  • Using a very slim Linux using Petalinux
  • Baremetal programming (in C)

Either way, you have to use Vitis for this.
I recommend you to use Baremetal C, as it is quite intuitive.
With Vitis, you will also have access to extensive examples for every drivers, and for LWIP (for ethenet communication).

By the way, why do you want to us Pynq ?


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Thank you for your reply.
By the way, I meant the soft cpu core “Microblaze”, not the microcontroller soft core “Microblaze MCS”.

I need to implement AI inference (computer vision) on Artix-7 (XC7A100T) using the microblaze soft-core.
The only (im-)possible way I can see is also including a lite version of Linux and Tensorflow in it.

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By the way, I meant the soft cpu core “Microblaze”, not the microcontroller soft core “Microblaze MCS”.

Same here.

I need to implement AI inference (computer vision) on Artix-7 (XC7A100T) using the microblaze soft-core.

I do not do ML nor use DPU. You will have to get answers from someone else.
However, unless it is a company projects with enough engineering capabilities and expertise, I would rather use the properly targeted platforms for this.
