Bash:pip3:command not found

I want to install some sources from github,I just use pip3

I try to downlowd pynq-hellword in github,I guess I should install a pip3 first.I am kind of boring with it.

Not sure what version of pynq you are using. If pip3 does not work for you (probably on very early versions of pynq), use python3.6 -m pip install instead.

Thank u,your recommend give me a great help to find the comand ‘apt install python3-pip’
Now I guess the following problem in the phote is caused by the network share with PC and pynq-z2 board ,or the source is not visable for me in manland.
Really thank u for your help,and look forword to your further and cherish suggestion.

The following opinion come from a newbie, welcome to recommend and suggestion:

I have ensured my PC is Okey with Internet, (I connect Ehhernet to PYNQ-Z2,and share Internet with my pthone on USB)
BUT I still has the problem of ‘Failed to fetch’,so I think the problem may be the network share between the Pynq-z2 with my PC.

I plan to do the work about network share with muy PC

Which version of PYNQ are you using? You shouldn’t need to ‘apt install’ pip