Hey all,
I am new here in the forum and to the PYNQ framework.
I read a lot of threads here before reaching out for your help.
My Equipment
ZCU670 Eval. Board
The Problem
I can not access Jupyter on the browser from a machine on the same network.
The measures I took
I was prebuilding from rootfs image 3.0 and with the supplied Xilinx BSP 2022.1, with the help of the scripts in the sdbuild directory.
I also added the ethernet package to manage the IP - It assigned me an IP.
I also resolved communication with ubuntu repositories.
The board is attached and wired to the Network(hub and then router) - I am successful at pinging the IP address into and out of the board.
I tried to trace the route - it seems legit.
SSH is somehow not responding to commands - the commands are just hanging, no matter what I installed or configured.
I also tired to connect the Eval. board directly to the laptop - the situation is the same.
I think it has to do somehow programmatically with ubuntu/Jupyter configurations.
to see all the failed services.
There were 4 failed services, 2 of them I suspect are responsible for the no go Jupyter. according to the documentation.
you also need 2 additional services to be started for pynq to be fully-functional.
Jupyter notebook service. (Check /sdbuild/packages/jupyter/start_jupyter.sh as an example).
Clear PL Statefile service. (Check /sdbuild/packages/clear_pl_statefile for more information).
In my case, the service Clear PL Statefile service has failed according to the log because no device was found.
@marioruiz I guess it has to do with the build and maybe the BSP file or some kind of configuration?
I do not have the exact spec, but it should be(as far as I understand the flow)
ARCH_ZCU670 := aarch64
BSP_ZCU670 := xilinx-zcu670-v2022.1-04191534.bsp
STAGE4_PACKAGES_ZCU670 := ethernet
Looks like we might need to update that script… You’re missing the xrt package – a lot of the underlaying pynq functionality depends on it. If you just amend your .spec file with:
STAGE4_PACKAGES_ZCU670 := xrt ethernet
and build a new image, hopefully that will fix your issue.
The more likely culprit is probably that isc-dhcp-server.service failure, you normally wouldn’t worry about x11 unless you’re plugging a monitor directly into your board.
This looks like it is becoming a general networking problem. Could it be a firewall issue as Mario suggested earlier?
Does ifconfig return a good ip address? Can you access the internet from the board? If you try to ssh into the board with extra verbose flags e.g. ssh xilinx@board_ip -vvv maybe the log messages will give some hints as to why it’s hanging.