- PYNQ version: 3.0.1
- Board name: Xilinx RFSoC ZCU111
- Tool Version: Vivado 2023.1
I generated a custom IP using Simulink HDL Coder. I performed a behavioral simulation on verilog code generated for my custom IP logic in Vivado and I obtained the right results (the AXI communication was excluded during the simulation). However, I get different results from my custom IP every time I run it on hardware using PYNQ. I also noticed when I include the ‘dma.recvchannel.wait()’ command in my code, the program always hangs. I confirmed my IP generates a TLAST by passing the its value to a register on my custom IP. The value in the register always changes to 1. When I comment out that line of code (dma.recvchannel.wait()), I still obtain data in my ‘output_buffer’.
In summary, I have two problems with my design,
- My program always hangs when there’s a ‘dma.recvchannel.wait()’ in my code.
- My custom IP generates different results (with the same input data) every time I run it on hardware using PYNQ’ .
I have attached an image of my setup in Vivado. I tried posting my code Python code but the platform allows me to post just one image so I had to type them out.
DMA Setting below
Width of Buffer Length Register: 26
Address Width: 64
Read Channel
Memory Mapped Width: 1024
Stream Data Width: 1024
Max Burst Size: 8
Write Channel
Memory Mapped Width: 32
Stream Data Width: 32
Max Burst Size: 16
Python Code Below
import os
from pynq import PL
from pynq import allocate
import numpy as np
from pynq import Overlay
from pynq.lib.dma import DMA
overlay = Overlay(f"{os.getcwd()}/{wrapper_name}.bit")
dma = overlay.axi_dma_0
custom_IP = overlay.HDL_DUT_ip_0
custom_IP.write(0x4,1) #Enable custom IP
csv_file = “fpga_input_data.csv” # Replace with your CSV file path
with open(csv_file, “r”, encoding=“utf-8-sig”) as file:
test_data = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter=“,”, dtype=np.uint16) # Read as uint16
flattened_data = test_data.flatten() # Convert from (118, 512) to (118 * 512,)
total_elements = len(flattened_data)
input_buffer = allocate(shape=(total_elements,), dtype=“u2”)
output_buffer = allocate(shape=(total_elements,), dtype=“i2”)
input_buffer[:] = flattened_data[:]
print(“Output data:”, output_buffer[:])
del input_buffer