I try to load data(numpy array) to my IP for the purpose of reuse between several operations. However, when I try to validate the writing correctness, I stream out the cached data via DMA, the whole process hanged at dma.recvchannel.wait()
. My platform is Ultra96-v2 and PYNQ version is 2.5.
When streaming the data to IP, my IP has a control port which can be configured to write data to BRAM via DMA in a streaming manner. The python code is as follow,
conv_accel.write(0x10, 13)
conv_accel.write(0x0, 0)
conv_accel.write(0x0, 1)
I have also monitored the control signal of my IP(axi_lite), I can read the signal initialized as 4(idle) and change to 1 right after I write 1 to 0x00, then the status stay 1 and never changed. This “ipython block” can complete execution(not stuck on wait()). I noticed that this is different from my several previous practices, which initialized as 4 and changed to 6(done+idle) than changed to 4 at final.
When streaming data from IP to PS, the Python code is,
conv_accel.write(0x10, 0)
conv_accel.write(0x0, 1)
dma_recv.wait() # process hang on here.
Where I configure the IP as streaming out the cached data, and trigger IP to start by writing 1 to 0x00, then call the DMA to work. This “ipython block” is stuck at dma.recvchannel.wait()
My top function in C++ is as follows
* read to Channel * (k_dim*k_dim), 16x9
void write_weight(stream<axis_t> &in){
for(int i = 0; i < KERNEL_DIM*KERNEL_DIM; i++){
// read stream data, one column
axis_t data_in = in.read();
for(int j = 0; j < IFM_CHANNEL; j++){
#pragma HLS UNROLL
ap_uint<PRECISION> temp =data_in.data((j+1) * PRECISION-1, j*PRECISION);
weights[j][i] = temp;
void DoCompute(stream<axis_t> &in, stream<axis_t> &out, int control){
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=control_bus
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=control bundle=control_bus
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis register both port=out
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis register both port=in
if(control == 13){
for(int j = 0; j<KERNEL_DIM*KERNEL_DIM; j++){
axis_t data_out;
for(int i = 0; i < IFM_CHANNEL; i++){
data_out.data((i+1)*PRECISION-1, i*PRECISION) = weights[i][j];
data_out.last = (j == KERNEL_DIM*KERNEL_DIM-1? 1:0);
My questions are
- Is there any issue in my top function? I refer to the implementation from SpooNN.
- I think it would be help to monitor on the AXI streaming interface to my IP, is there any way to do this by using PYNQ?