Failed to build SD image for ZCU111

That a bit long:

In my first post instruction, I do mention about bsp issues see:

You can see there are two link 1st targeting general linux environment setup:
2nd post is targeted ZYNQ-ULTRA-SCALE issues.

I personally built xc7z010 xc7z020 xc7z100 and ZYNQ ultra-scale forgot the part #.
Above the different boards image build and installed two PCs or even more as virtual environment I am using. There are no GCC issue.
However, there might be all board build issue which can be ignore by modifying the and run build command again without “CLEAN”.
see: Pynq 2.7 for Zybo-Z7

As for IP issue, please setup HDMI license from limited time use and make sure lic is loaded to the virtual environment.