hello, I just check the speed of data transfer between ps and pl.
I use AXI-Stream interface with DMA Module.
I made a simple module that takes data from the dram and stores it back in the dram.
And I check transfer speed with various burst width and TDATA width.
This is my result.
I use pynq-z2 board and, I give 525Mhz to DDR in ps’ clock configuration option.
Also, I give 100Mhz to axi DMA module.
Is there a way to send and receive data faster than the current speed?
Thank you.
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The High Performance (HP) interfaces in the Zynq device supports 32 and 64 bit data width. To maximize performance, you should select 64-bit. With that in mind, the maximum theoretical performance you can get will depend on the clock frequency in the PL side. max performance = data_width * clock_frequency
In your particular case 64-bit * 100 MHz = 6.4 Gbit/s (800 MB/s)
Is there a way to send and receive data faster than the current speed?
Increase the PL clock frequency.
Thank you for your kind reply!
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