Implementing 100 Gigabit Ethernet for RFSoC-PYNQ Overlays in RFSoC4x2 Board


I am trying to implement PYNQ Overlay for RFSoC4x2 board using PYNQ-Overlay for ZCU111 board as reference.
I have built Vivado project for 4x2 board and generated Bitstream file successfully. Now when I am trying to run the Python code (CMAC_Intro.ipynb) somehow my Jupyter Server gets disconnected and UART connection breakes, specifically when I run the code snippet below

# Download Overlay
ol = pynq.Overlay('bitfile.bit')
# Bind Drivers
dma = ol.axi_dma_1
cmac = ol.cmac_usplus_0

I am using SD image provided by PYNQ for 4x2 board. I am not sure about the SD image to be used nor any code to be changed. I am very new to this topic so if in-case I missed out any reference or document please point out. If anyone have a solution please share, I highly appreciate that.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Vishnu,

Check if jupyter kernel shutdown is occurring and you are getting memory full displayed on serial terminal. Also, see if the issue is repeatable.

Divide the 3 lines of code into 2 cells, first for flashing the overlay bitstream and second to initialize bind drivers.


Welcome to the PYNQ community.

Why are you using the ZCU111 overlay? The base overlay for the 4x2 already has the CMAC.


Hii @abdyoyo,

Thank You for your instant reply

I have divided code into 2 cells then to this issue still appears, the issue is occurring while binding the drivers flashing the overlay bitstream is successfully done. I have checked using,


which gives me this output

Type:            Overlay
String form:     <pynq.overlay.Overlay object at 0xffff9c6c5a50>
File:            /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pynq/
Default documentation for overlay design_1_wrapper.bit. The following
attributes are available on this overlay:

IP Blocks
axi_dma_1            : pynq.lib.dma.DMA
axi_intc_0           : pynq.overlay.DefaultIP
cmac_usplus_0        : pynq.lib.cmac.CMAC
zynq_ultra_ps_e_0    : pynq.overlay.DefaultIP



GPIO Outputs

PSDDR                : Memory
Class docstring:
This class keeps track of a single bitstream's state and contents.

The overlay class holds the state of the bitstream and enables run-time
protection of bindings.

Our definition of overlay is: "post-bitstream configurable design".
Hence, this class must expose configurability through content discovery
and runtime protection.

The overlay class exposes the IP and hierarchies as attributes in the
overlay. If no other drivers are available the `DefaultIP` is constructed
for IP cores at top level and `DefaultHierarchy` for any hierarchies that
contain addressable IP. Custom drivers can be bound to IP and hierarchies
by subclassing `DefaultIP` and `DefaultHierarchy`. See the help entries
for those class for more details.

This class stores four dictionaries: IP, GPIO, interrupt controller
and interrupt pin dictionaries.

Each entry of the IP dictionary is a mapping:
'name' -> {phys_addr, addr_range, type, config, state}, where
name (str) is the key of the entry.
phys_addr (int) is the physical address of the IP.
addr_range (int) is the address range of the IP.
type (str) is the type of the IP.
config (dict) is a dictionary of the configuration parameters.
state (str) is the state information about the IP.

Each entry of the GPIO dictionary is a mapping:
'name' -> {pin, state}, where
name (str) is the key of the entry.
pin (int) is the user index of the GPIO, starting from 0.
state (str) is the state information about the GPIO.

Each entry in the interrupt controller dictionary is a mapping:
'name' -> {parent, index}, where
name (str) is the name of the interrupt controller.
parent (str) is the name of the parent controller or '' if attached
directly to the PS.
index (int) is the index of the interrupt attached to.

Each entry in the interrupt pin dictionary is a mapping:
'name' -> {controller, index}, where
name (str) is the name of the pin.
controller (str) is the name of the interrupt controller.
index (int) is the line index.

bitfile_name : str
    The absolute path of the bitstream.
dtbo : str
    The absolute path of the dtbo file for the full bitstream.
ip_dict : dict
    All the addressable IPs from PS. Key is the name of the IP; value is
    a dictionary mapping the physical address, address range, IP type,
    parameters, registers, and the state associated with that IP:
    {str: {'phys_addr' : int, 'addr_range' : int,                'type' : str, 'parameters' : dict, 'registers': dict,                'state' : str}}.
gpio_dict : dict
    All the GPIO pins controlled by PS. Key is the name of the GPIO pin;
    value is a dictionary mapping user index (starting from 0),
    and the state associated with that GPIO pin:
    {str: {'index' : int, 'state' : str}}.
interrupt_controllers : dict
    All AXI interrupt controllers in the system attached to
    a PS interrupt line. Key is the name of the controller;
    value is a dictionary mapping parent interrupt controller and the
    line index of this interrupt:
    {str: {'parent': str, 'index' : int}}.
    The PS is the root of the hierarchy and is unnamed.
interrupt_pins : dict
    All pins in the design attached to an interrupt controller.
    Key is the name of the pin; value is a dictionary
    mapping the interrupt controller and the line index used:
    {str: {'controller' : str, 'index' : int}}.
pr_dict : dict
    Dictionary mapping from the name of the partial-reconfigurable
    hierarchical blocks to the loaded partial bitstreams:
    {str: {'loaded': str, 'dtbo': str}}.
device : pynq.Device
    The device that the overlay is loaded on
Init docstring: 
Return a new Overlay object.

An overlay instantiates a bitstream object as a member initially.

bitfile_name : str
    The bitstream name or absolute path as a string.
dtbo : str
    The dtbo file name or absolute path as a string.
download : bool
    Whether the overlay should be downloaded.
ignore_version : bool
    Indicate whether or not to ignore the driver versions.
device : pynq.Device
    Device on which to load the Overlay. Defaults to
gen_cache: bool
    if true generates a pickeled cache of the metadata

This class requires a HWH file to be next to bitstream file
with same name (e.g. `base.bit` and `base.hwh`).

I have checked what you said, Yes Jupyter Kernel is shutting down repeatedly and No message is displayed.

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Hii @marioruiz ,

Thank You for your instant reply

If base overlay already have CMAC how could I test ? I am using ZCU111 Overlay as a Reference. Is there any reference you could provide and can you expand your thoughts please. Sorry if my question is too basic I am very new to this.


If you look through the available notebooks in the SD card, you will find the CMAC one.


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Hii @marioruiz

Thank you for your help you got me out of the trouble. I was wondering is there any other resources that I could use to check whether the data transfer is at 100Gps.

Thank you for your help again.

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You can check this design


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