Logictools bug fix

logictools pattern generator‘s arduino code bug:

this means when pattern_generator.setup, the logictools_controller status are return value of pattern_generator_config()

only renew the global pattern_status, and return 0
so after pattern_generator.setup(…), the logictools_controller status does not change to READY,

solution 1:
after pattern_generator.setup(…) follow pattern_generator.stop()
solution 2:
rebuild logictools_arduino.c
– L235 return 0;
++L235 return READY_STATE;

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Hi @chenguoping76,

Welcome to the PYNQ community.

Thank you for reporting this issue. I invite you to open a pull request with the fix in the PYNQ repo.


ok, I will try to fix logictools module

------------------ Original ------------------

due to the logictools is designed using ps and microblaze co-work, but there has not a good method to debug the mb codes with pynq (linux), so the first thing I will add s-gp0 of ps, and then the mb bsp can using ps’ uart act as the hard code debug channel

based on this hardware, and add debug xil_printf lines in logictools_arduino.c, I can fix the 0xFFFF0004 and 0xFFFF0006, this is too early return in the pattern_generator_config function of logictools_arduino.c