Microzed PYNQ image does not boot

I am using a Microzed board (zynq 7020, PYNQ-v3.0.1, Xilinx 2022.1) and trying to build a PYNQ image for it. When trying to boot from the SD card I see nothing in the TeraTerm window, and I got the green power LED on.

I’ve followed Adam Taylor’s tutorial: MicroZed Chronicles: MicroZed PYNQ - Hackster.io, and managed to get an output in the build directory.
I think that the only exception from the guide is that I added the rootfs and sdist files from here:PYNQ supported boards and PYNQ pre-built images | PYNQ , to the prebuilt directory, and set the REBUILD_PYNQ_SDIST and REBUILD _PYNQ_ROOTFS parameters because it didnt let me run the makefile without it.

I have flashed the image file to the SD card using Balena etcher successfully, seeing these files at the SD card at the end:

When trying to boot from the SD card I see nothing in the TeraTerm window. I have managed to use the board with a PYNQ image before, after creating a v2.7 image from this tutorial: GitHub - FredKellerman/Microzed-PYNQ
(when I try to boot from the SD card the jumpers are on the SD boot state:_

When I put the jumpers on QSPI mode it flashes a regular linux image.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?