Hi all,
For those of you who require a fixed IP address on your PYNQ. The example sets the IP address using new Ubuntu 18.04 bionic netplan utilities with the fixed IP set to, a net mask of 24 bits indicated by the /24 in the ip address and a gateway of These need to be changed to values compatible with your specific network needs.
Note, as I am unable to upload a tar, yaml and sh files on this forum, I will just give you the content of the files in this post.
First create a netplan directory in the associated packages directory for your target board. For example, for the ZCU111 the netplan directory needs to located at (assuming the PYNQ source is located at ~/PYNQ).
Two files need to be added to the netplan directory. In this example the package contains two files, my-conf.yaml and pre.sh. my-conf.yaml is used by netplan and therefore requires changing to support your required IP address and network settings.
Content of my-conf.yaml is (Note, tabs are not rendering in the post, so I have used<\t> to indicate a tab.)
<\t><\t> eth0:
<\t><\t><\t>addresses: []
<\t><\t><\t><\t>addresses: [,]
<\t><\t><\t> dhcp4: no
<\t>version: 2"
The content of the pre.sh is
set -x
set -e
script_dir=“$( cd “$( dirname “${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” )” && pwd )”
sudo cp $script_dir/my-conf.yaml $target/etc/netplan
The shell script pre.sh is used by the Qemu tools to add the my-conf.yaml to the target image.
The associated board spec file also needs to be altered to contain the netplan package.
Hope this Helps.