I could successfully create a custom image for Zybo-Z7-20 board. The custom image is created based on Pynq-Z1 image version 2.5. Basically, the base.bit are composed of all block design from Pynq-Z1 base overlay, except the audio, arduini, and chip kit parts.
All of the based overlays (such as LEDs, Switches, Buttons) are working properly unless the HDMI overlay.
When i test the custom image using example code hdmi_introduction.ipynb , i got following result:
out: <contextlib._GeneratorContextManager at 0xae8999f0>
After hdmi_in.start() and hdmi_out.start() the computer blinks but no video signal is detected.
When I try to run hdmi_in.readframe() , this error is shown: RuntimeError: DMA channel not started .
Do you have any suggestion regarding this problem?