I’m trying to do some image processing using PYNQ on Zedboard. Here’s what I achieved so far.
Following this project (PYNQ-HLS/0-How-To-HLS.ipynb at master · drichmond/PYNQ-HLS · GitHub), I was able to create a bitstream. The only difference is that I created an IP core using Vivado HLS to do canny edge detection (based on this: GitHub - medalotte/HLS-canny-edge-detection: FPGA implementation of Canny edge detection by using Vivado HLS). So far, so good. I can use my overlay, the result is correct but the fps not.
I have compared my results with the opencv Canny function and the fps is almost the same with a 225x400 image. So my question is, can I accelerate the DMA data transfer? Because using the fist tutorial, the transfer always took at least 10 ms.