Pynq installation on ZYNQ7000 with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS+Vitis2022.2+Petalinux2022.2


@marioruiz I think you had enclosed a wrong readme version?

See the readme requirement about the Ubuntu system version to develop the PYNQ 2.7


Hi Briansune,

Noted with thanks, Actually we base on your mentioned way to processed.

The which can be auto select Ubuntu system 18.04 or 20.04:

Install a bunch of packages we need

if [ $(lsb_release -rs) == “18.04” ]; then
rel_deps=“libncurses5-dev lib32ncurses5”
elif [ $(lsb_release -rs) == “20.04” ]; then
rel_deps=“libncurses6 lib32ncurses6”
echo “Error: Please use Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 18.04.”
exit 1

So what’s your relally do it for PYNQ2.7 by Ubuntu system version? Your meaning can’t use the Ubuntu20.04 to make the PYNQ2.7, Just only for Ubuntu18.04? If on this way why do for two versions to select?

Do you have skype number, We want to have skype call in order to pull the time in order to settle this case, It take long time.

Best Rgards,



Let’s make this simpler. I use virtual machine for PYNQ build environment so I do not persist on specific OS version. Follow README requirement and make the environment less trouble is what the easiest way to make thing working.
REAME did not mention as 20.04 but only 18.04 so I follow instructions.


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