How to make the PYNQ with Ubuntu2022.2 version


We got the KV260 which have Ubuntu2022.2 PYNQ img from your web sit, Would you please help to share the way or manual how to make the PYNQ as Ubuntu2022.2.

Thanks & Best regads


Hi @leon_lin,

The certified Ubuntu image is delivered directly by Canonical.


Hi Mario,

Thanks for your feedback as soon, Actually we want to know the process way how to make the PYNQ base on Ubuntu 2022.04 for different board.

I’d be grateful if you can share it.

Best Regards,


Hi @leon_lin,

We support the SD card image creation only in Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04. PYNQ SD Card image — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq)

You may need to download a Virtual Machine.


Hi Mario,

Would you help to tell us what version of Vitis+Petalinux can be supported If we want to build PYNQ2.6 / 2.7/ 3.01 base on ubuntu20.04?

eg: PYNQ3.01 → ubuntu20.04+(Vitis+Petalinux)2022.02 (can or can’t)
eg: PYNQ2.7 → ubuntu20.04+(Vitis+Petalinux)2022.02 (can or can’t)

Due to we checked different version of PYNQ which have different API support issue.

I’d be grateful if you can help it.

Best Regards,


Hi,Do you solve your problem?
thanks in advance.

Hi @leon_lin,

The list of Vivado/Petalinux versions are listed here PYNQ SD Card image — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq)
