Question about sampling rate of xadc

Hello everyone

I have a question that I have while working on an example using xadc ip.

I am working on an example that converts an analog signal coming from an analog input pin into a digital signal using xadc ip. I set the xadc settings to DCLK frequency=100M, ADC Conversion Rate=200ksps as shown below, created a block diagram like the picture, and operated it with the attached code in the Python environment.

However, when I look at the actual results, the sampling rate seems to be operating at about 8ksps.

Isn’t the xadc sampling rate the ADC Conversion rate? I clearly set it to 200ksps, but it seems to be so different from the results I got, which is strange.

-----------Jupyter notebook code--------------------

from pynq import Overlay, MMIO
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

overlay = Overlay(‘0109.bit’)
adc_base_address = overlay.ip_dict[‘xadc_wiz_0’][‘phys_addr’]
adc_addr_range = overlay.ip_dict[‘xadc_wiz_0’][‘addr_range’]
adc = MMIO(adc_base_address, adc_addr_range)

def read_adc_samples(channel_offset, duration, sample_rate=200000):
Sample ADC data for a specific duration and at a specific sample rate.
channel_offset: Register offset for the ADC channel.
duration: Sampling duration (in seconds).
sample_rate: Sampling rate (in Hz).
List of sampled ADC voltage values.
samples =
interval = 1 / sample_rate
start_time = time.time()

while (time.time() - start_time) < duration:
    raw_value = 
    voltage = (raw_value * Vref) / resolution  

return samples

def calculate_peak_to_peak(samples):
Calculate the Peak-to-Peak voltage from sampled data.
samples: List of sampled ADC voltage values.
Peak-to-Peak voltage value.
max_value = max(samples)
min_value = min(samples)
return max_value - min_value

def monitor_ac_peak_to_peak(duration=0.01, sample_rate=200000):
Monitor the AC signal and calculate its Peak-to-Peak voltage.
duration: Sampling duration (in seconds).
sample_rate: Sampling rate (in Hz).
while True:
# Sample ADC data
samples = read_adc_samples(vaux_offset, duration, sample_rate)

        # Calculate Peak-to-Peak voltage
        v_pp = calculate_peak_to_peak(samples)
        # Print Peak-to-Peak voltage
        print(f"Peak-to-Peak Voltage: {v_pp:.3f} V")
        # Plot the sampled data (optional)
        plt.title("AC Signal Samples")
        plt.xlabel("Sample Index")
        plt.ylabel("Voltage (V)")
        # Delay between calculations
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("\nMonitoring stopped by user")

Run the monitoring function

monitor_ac_peak_to_peak(duration=0.01, sample_rate=200000)

If you look at the result screen, you can see that the frequency of the analog input signal is 1kHz, but one cycle is measured for about 8 sample indices.
→ The sampling rate is 8ksps?

What is the “result screen”? The xadc configuration, where it is indicated in “Analog sim file options” that the frequency is 1 kHz?

If you are using the xadc ip block, why are you not using the output ports, only the input ports at the left of the block?

The result screen is obtained by drawing a graph about the input signal on the Jupyter notebook.

The input signal is a sine wave that I created randomly using a function generator.
(offset=0.5v, amplitude=0.22v, freq.=1kHz)