Send data from PYNQ Z1 to PC


I need to send data from the PYNQ-Z1 board to my PC. I looked around if there is any packages or libraries available for that. But, I did not find any.
Anyone have an idea how can it be done, Is there any examples?

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perhaps the easiest way is to write your data to a file and then send it over a socket.
The python library is installed on the pynq and is fairly simple to use.
I have done file transfers over local network at ~100Mb/s with a Z2.
Another possibility is doing the transfers via the UART. There is one connected to the PS which is connected to the onboard FTDI chip. Its transfer rate is maximum 12MBaud/s.
If you want to do transfers with the base overlay directly to PL, there are UARTs connected to the onboard microblaze on your PMOD and arduino headers.
If you’re making your own overlay and you don’t want the processor coming between the communication, you can implement your own hardware module for UART, I2C, SPI, parallel etc.
the Zynq7020 does not support PCIe.
If you’re into high transferrate UART with your own module on PL, make sure to use the correct clock to get correct timing. if you want 12MBaud/s it’s easiest to use the 120MHz clock from the ethernet.

Thank you for your answer.
I know that using Ethernet or UART is easier. But I am following the specifics of a project, where I am supposed to get data from a sensor via Ethernet, do some accelerated processing, and transfer it to a PC via USB.
In the Z1 board, there is the USB host and I can see that maybe I can handle it with some libraries like libusb or pyusb. But I could not install these packages as I mentioned in this issue