- PYNQ 3.0.1 & RFsoc4*2 & Windows 10
- I want to use PYNQ to configure mixer of the DAC converter in the board
- After I set set the Mixer’s frequency of the DAC converter on the board, the frequency of the received signal does not shift.
Here is the detail:
First, I connect the output of the DAC block to the input of the ADC block.
# initial the base
myBase = Base()
Base is a class that create by myself to represents the base class, and the code here just set the overly_file to “base.bit” and initial the rf clocks
myTransmitter = Transmitter(myBase, ChannelSetting(0, 0.02, 30), ChannelSetting(1, 0.02, 30))
The code here is just set the both of the transmitter’s channel 0 and channel 1’s gain to 0.02, and the mixer’s frequency to 30 MHz. It will generate two 30 MHz frequency signals.
Settings for Mixer’s frequency:
{‘Freq’: 30.0,
‘PhaseOffset’: 0.0,
‘EventSource’: 0,
‘CoarseMixFreq’: 0,
‘MixerMode’: 2,
‘FineMixerScale’: 1,
‘MixerType’: 2}
In the next step, I change the receiver’s mixer setting to 100 MHz
Settings for receiver’s mixer’s frequency:
{‘Freq’: 99.99999999999417,
‘PhaseOffset’: 0.0,
‘EventSource’: 2,
‘CoarseMixFreq’: 0,
‘MixerMode’: 3,
‘FineMixerScale’: 1,
‘MixerType’: 2}
However, the frequency spectrum output for the data recived by the receiver is still at 30 Mhz instead of shifting for the frequency.
Here is the code I use for printing the frequency spectrum:
def plot(self):
number_samples = len (self.data[0])
window = np.array(np.blackman(number_samples)[:])
wdata = []
for i in range(0, len(self.data)):
fdata = []
for i in range(0, len(wdata)):
magfigs = []
for i in range(0, len(fdata)):
title=''.join(['Frequency Magnitude Plot of ADC Channel ', str(i)])
data = abs(fdata[i]), N = number_samples, fs = self.sampleFrequency,
title = title,
units = '|Y(f)|',
fc = round(abs(self.base.base.radio.receiver.channel[i].adc_block.MixerSettings['Freq']))*1e6))
def plot_complex_spectrum(self,data, N, fs,
title='Complex Spectrum Plot', units='dBW', fc=0):
plt_temp = (go.Scatter(x = np.arange(-fs/2, fs/2, fs/N) + fc,
y = data, name='Spectrum'))
return go.FigureWidget(data = plt_temp,
layout = {'title': title,
'xaxis': {
'title': 'Frequency (Hz)',
'autorange': True},
'yaxis': {
'title': units}})
Thank you for much!