[Z2] Downloaded board file does not change the preset

In Vivado 2021.2 I add the Z2 board file, but the processing system does not use the preset :frowning:

This is how I add the boards file and create the project:

cd $(mktemp -d)
curl -LO https://dpoauwgwqsy2x.cloudfront.net/Download/pynq-z2.zip
unzip pynq-z2.zip

Then I fire run the following commands in Vivado:


set_param board.repoPaths [list pynq-z2]
create_project -part xc7z020-1clg400 rtl.xpr rtl-proj
# alternative method to add the board file to the path:
# set_property board_part_repo_paths pynq-z2 [current_project]
set_property board_part tul.com.tw:pynq-z2:part0:1.0 [current_project]
create_bd_design bd
open_bd_design bd
create_bd_cell -vlnv xilinx.com:ip:processing_system7 ps
puts [get_property CONFIG.PCW_CRYSTAL_PERIPHERAL_FREQMHZ [get_bd_cells ps]]

When I run these commands:

vivado -mode tcl -source rtl-proj.tcl
# outputs
# ...
# 33.3..
# ...


grep -ri CONFIG.PCW_CRYSTAL_PERIPHERAL_FREQMHZ pynq-z2/A.0/preset.xml
# outputs
# <user_parameter name="CONFIG.PCW_CRYSTAL_PERIPHERAL_FREQMHZ" value="50"/> 

Can someone verify this?

Applying preset manually works like shown in this post

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