I have been trying those changes. I have changed the variable type inside hls::stream from int to ap_axiu<8,0,0,0> and made the changes into the code, as you can see below. The top function is filter11x11_strm.
convolution.cpp file
#include "convolution.h"
template<typename T, int K>
static void convolution_orig(
int width, int height,
const T *src, T *dst,
const T *hcoeff, const T *vcoeff)
// Convolution kernel size
const int conv_size = K;
// Half the convolution window - rounded down - i.e. the border width
const int border_width = int(conv_size / 2);
#ifndef __SYNTHESIS__
T * const local = new T[MAX_IMG_ROWS*MAX_IMG_COLS];
#else // Static storage allocation for HLS, dynamic otherwise
// Clear local frame buffer
Clear_Local:for(int i = 0; i < height * width; i++){
// Horizontal convolution pass - makes O(K*K) reads from input image
// per output pixel
HconvH:for(int col = 0; col < height; col++){
HconvW:for(int row = border_width; row < width - border_width; row++){
Hconv:int pixel = col * width + row;
for(int i = - border_width; i <= border_width; i++){
local[pixel] += src[pixel + i] * hcoeff[i + border_width];
// Clear dst storage
Clear_Dst:for(int i = 0; i < height * width; i++){
// Vertical convolution pass - makes O(K*K) reads from frame buffer -
// resulting in only interior, i.e.
// (border_width < col < height - border_width && border_width < row < width - border_width), pixels being valid
VconvH:for(int col = border_width; col < height - border_width; col++){
VconvW:for(int row = 0; row < width; row++){
int pixel = col * width + row;
Vconv:for(int i = - border_width; i <= border_width; i++){
int offset = i * width;
dst[pixel] += local[pixel + offset] * vcoeff[i + border_width];
// Populate borders by replicating adjacent valid pixels - uses a separate
// set of loop nest for each vertical border region - top border; left/right
// of valid vertical range; bottom. This is problematic for performance...
int border_width_offset = border_width * width;
int border_height_offset = (height - border_width - 1) * width;
Top_Border:for(int col = 0; col < border_width; col++){
int offset = col * width;
Top_Left:for(int row = 0; row < border_width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_width_offset + border_width];
Top_Row:for(int row = border_width; row < width - border_width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_width_offset + row];
Top_Right:for(int row = width - border_width; row < width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_width_offset + width - border_width - 1];
Side_Border:for(int col = border_width; col < height - border_width; col++){
int offset = col * width;
Left_Col:for(int row = 0; row < border_width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[offset + border_width];
Right_Col:for(int row = width - border_width; row < width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[offset + width - border_width - 1];
Bottom_Border:for(int col = height - border_width; col < height; col++){
int offset = col * width;
Bottom_Left:for(int row = 0; row < border_width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_height_offset + border_width];
Bottom_Row:for(int row = border_width; row < width - border_width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_height_offset + row];
Bottom_Right:for(int row = width - border_width; row < width; row++){
int pixel = offset + row;
dst[pixel] = dst[border_height_offset + width - border_width - 1];
template<typename T, int K>
static void convolution_strm(int width, int height,
hls::stream<axis> &src, hls::stream<axis> &dst,
const T *hcoeff, const T *vcoeff)
const int border_width = int(K / 2);
// Horizontal pixel window (cache)
T hwin[K];
hls::stream<T> hconv("hconv");
// Vertical pixel window (cache)
// T vwin[K];
// Line-buffers allowing full pixel reuse in vertical pass
static T linebuf[K - 1][MAX_IMG_COLS];
hls::stream<T> vconv("vconv");
const int vconv_xlim = width - (K - 1);
// Line-buffer for border pixel replication
T borderbuf[MAX_IMG_COLS - (K - 1)];
#pragma HLS ARRAY_PARTITION variable=linebuf dim=1 complete
#pragma HLS INLINE // Into a DATAFLOW region
// These assertions let HLS know the upper bounds of loops
assert(height < MAX_IMG_ROWS);
assert(width < MAX_IMG_COLS);
assert(vconv_xlim < MAX_IMG_COLS - (K - 1));
// Horizontal convolution - consumes each pixel in source image
// exactly once, reusing values cached in hwin[], producing a stream
// of pixels required for the following vertical convolution
HConvH:for(int col = 0; col < height; col++) {
HConvW:for(int row = 0; row < width; row++) {
axis in_val_sidebands = src.read();
T in_val = in_val_sidebands.data;
// Reset pixel value on-the-fly - eliminates an O(height*width) loop
T out_val = 0;
HConv:for(int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
hwin[i] = i < K - 1 ? hwin[i + 1] : in_val;
out_val += hwin[i] * hcoeff[i];
if (row >= K - 1)
hconv << out_val;
// Vertical convolution - consumes stream generated by the horizontal
// pass; generates a stream of only the pixels in the valid interior
// region, i.e. (height - (K - 1)) * (width - (K - 1)) values
VConvH:for(int col = 0; col < height; col++) {
VConvW:for(int row = 0; row < vconv_xlim; row++) {
#pragma HLS DEPENDENCE variable=linebuf inter false
T in_val = hconv.read();
// Reset pixel value on-the-fly - eliminates an O(height*width) loop
T out_val = 0;
VConv:for(int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
T vwin_val = i < K - 1 ? linebuf[i][row] : in_val;
out_val += vwin_val * vcoeff[i];
if (i > 0)
linebuf[i - 1][row] = vwin_val;
if (col >= K - 1)
vconv << out_val;
//Handle border by replicating the exact same pixels as orig, but in
// a single loop taking the minimum (height*width) number of cycles
Border:for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
T pix_in, l_edge_pix, r_edge_pix, pix_out;
if (i == 0 || (i > border_width && i < height - border_width)) {
// read a pixel out of the input stream and cache it for
// immediate use and later replication purposes
if (j < width - (K - 1)) {
pix_in = vconv.read();
borderbuf[j] = pix_in;
if (j == 0) {
l_edge_pix = pix_in;
if (j == width - K) {
r_edge_pix = pix_in;
// Select output value from the appropriate cache resource
if (j <= border_width) {
pix_out = l_edge_pix;
} else if (j >= width - border_width - 1) {
pix_out = r_edge_pix;
} else {
pix_out = borderbuf[j - border_width];
axis pix_out_sidebands;
pix_out_sidebands.data = pix_out;
pix_out_sidebands.last = in_val_sidebands.last;
dst << pix_out_sidebands;
void filter11x11_orig(int width, int height, const data_t *src, data_t *dst)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=src depth=32400 // TEST_IMG_SIZE
#pragma HLS INTERFACE m_axi port=dst depth=32400 // TEST_IMG_SIZE
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=width bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=height bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INLINE
const data_t filt11_coeff[11] = {
36, 111, 266, 498, 724, 821, 724, 498, 266, 111, 36
convolution_orig<data_t, 11>(width, height,
src, dst,
filt11_coeff, filt11_coeff);
void filter11x11_strm(int width, int height,
hls::stream<axis> &src, hls::stream<axis> &dst)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=src
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=dst
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=width bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=height bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=hls_ctrl
#pragma HLS INLINE // bring loops in sub-functions to this DATAFLOW region
const data_t filt11_coeff[11] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
convolution_strm<data_t, 11>(width, height,
src, dst,
filt11_coeff, filt11_coeff);
convolution.h file
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <hls_stream.h>
#include "ap_axi_sdata.h"
#include "ap_int.h"
#define MAX_IMG_ROWS 2496
#define MAX_IMG_COLS 3360
#define TEST_IMG_ROWS 135
#define TEST_IMG_COLS 240
typedef uint8_t data_t;
typedef ap_axiu<8,0,0,0> axis;
// External function prototypes
void filter11x11_orig(
int w, int h,
const data_t *src_image, data_t *dst_image);
void filter11x11_strm(
int w, int h,
hls::stream<axis> &src_image, hls::stream<axis> &dst_image);
#endif // CONVOLUTION_H_ not defined
I can synthesize the IP and generate the design with the DMA at Vivado. The design validates successfully, however the DMA gets stuck at the sending channel and I cannot see why