Can't write bitstream to ZCU216 using qpsk_overlay()

I used Pynq v2.7 and I write the bitstream in this website (GitHub - strath-sdr/rfsoc_qpsk at ff4f4d3b6aa3ae20dd62cda0744fd7e2cb6ca723 )to RFSOC ZCU216.
When I compile ‘ol = QpskOverlay(init_rf_clks=False)’ and the Jupyter notebook shut down I can’t connect to Jupyter until I turn off the board and restart it.
Could anyone tell me what happened?

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Did you figure out a solution to this? I have the exact same problem on the same setup and would love to collaborate.

I used ol = QpskOverlay() rather than ol = QpskOverlay(init_rf_clks=False)
and solved the issue

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Thank you so much for your reply. I want to explain further exactly what my setup is and what I’m attempting:

I am using the zcu216 with a prebuilt image from Sarah Sussaman: Prebuilt Image · Issue #1 · sarafs1926/ZCU216-PYNQ · GitHub

The reason i am using the prebuilt image rather than building my own is cause of a problem I encountered which i posted about here: Problem building image

I am trying to run this notebook from the RFSoC textbook and am crashing jupyter and losing connection tot he device in the ol = QpskOverlay() line Notebook

I have not loaded any bitstreams or done any other setup besides the Notebook installation instructions specified by the RFSoC textbook github here: RFSoC notebook installation.

My questions for you are:

  1. Is there some step I am missing before I can run the ol=QpskOverlay() line without crashing?
  2. How did you manage to get a PYNQ RFSoC image for the ZCU216, are you usinght esmae prebuilt one or did you somehow get building your own to work?

Any help would be sincerely appreciated :smiley: