Changing Sampling Frequency of RFDC IP

Hello! I’m studying this design: RFSoC-PYNQ/boards/RFSoC4x2/base/notebooks/rfdc/01_rf_dataconverter_introduction.ipynb at master · Xilinx/RFSoC-PYNQ · GitHub

I made a reduced version to only run the DAC to ADC loopback example on the RFDC IP:

Radio Hierarchy:

I’m trying to change the sampling frequency of the RFDC IP. The original was 4.91 GHz. I’m trying to run it at 2.4576 GHz.
These are the RFDC Settings:



I have also changed PL1 Clock (generated by PS) to 150 MHz instead of 300 MHz:

The clock wizard now generates 155 MHz instead of 310 MHz.

This is the register file for LMX frequency of 245.76 MHz, for LMK frequency of 245.76 MHz:

R112 0x700000
R111 0x6F0000
R110 0x6E0000
R109 0x6D0000
R108 0x6C0000
R107 0x6B0000
R106 0x6A0000
R105 0x690021
R104 0x680000
R103 0x67D555
R102 0x663F97
R101 0x650011
R100 0x640000
R99 0x632AAB
R98 0x6201A0
R97 0x610888
R96 0x600000
R95 0x5F0000
R94 0x5E0000
R93 0x5D0000
R92 0x5C0000
R91 0x5B0000
R90 0x5A0000
R89 0x590000
R88 0x580000
R87 0x570000
R86 0x565879
R85 0x55F458
R84 0x540001
R83 0x5354C9
R82 0x523161
R81 0x510000
R80 0x504000
R79 0x4F001F
R78 0x4E0003
R77 0x4D0000
R76 0x4C000C
R75 0x4B09C0
R74 0x4A0000
R73 0x49003F
R72 0x480001
R71 0x470081
R70 0x46C350
R69 0x450000
R68 0x4403E8
R67 0x430000
R66 0x4201F4
R65 0x410000
R64 0x401388
R63 0x3F0000
R62 0x3E0322
R61 0x3D00A8
R60 0x3C0000
R59 0x3B0001
R58 0x3A9001
R57 0x390020
R56 0x380000
R55 0x370000
R54 0x360000
R53 0x350000
R52 0x340820
R51 0x330080
R50 0x320000
R49 0x314180
R48 0x300300
R47 0x2F0300
R46 0x2E07FC
R45 0x2DC0CC
R44 0x2C0C22
R43 0x2B0000
R42 0x2A0000
R41 0x290000
R40 0x280000
R39 0x270001
R38 0x260000
R37 0x250204
R36 0x240020
R35 0x230004
R34 0x220000
R33 0x211E21
R32 0x200393
R31 0x1F43EC
R30 0x1E318C
R29 0x1D318C
R28 0x1C0488
R27 0x1B0002
R26 0x1A0DB0
R25 0x190C2B
R24 0x18071A
R23 0x17007C
R22 0x160001
R21 0x150401
R20 0x14E048
R19 0x1327B7
R18 0x120064
R17 0x11012C
R16 0x100080
R15 0x0F064F
R14 0x0E1E70
R13 0x0D4000
R12 0x0C5001
R11 0x0B0018
R10 0x0A10D8
R9 0x090604
R8 0x082000
R7 0x0740B2
R6 0x06C802
R5 0x0500C8
R4 0x040C43
R3 0x030642
R2 0x020500
R1 0x010809
R0 0x00259C

For all other settings I have tried, the board crashes because of incorrect clock network. This is the only configuration in which the design works. However, it only collects real samples of data, and not imaginary ones. These are the output graphs:

Even channels 0 and 1, which are not given any input and are expected to collect garbage data, are not collecting imaginary samples. Please let me know if you have any ideas about how I can fix this issue, and also how I can change the sampling frequency to values which are not multiples of 245.76 MHz.

For your python code, did you use the same jupyter notebook
(RFSoC-PYNQ/boards/RFSoC4x2/base/notebooks/rfdc/01_rf_dataconverter_introduction.ipynb at master · Xilinx/RFSoC-PYNQ · GitHub)
or did you modify some lines?

I changed the line



base.init_rf_clks(lmx_freq = 245.76)

You created a new block design. How did you implement it in your board?
Did you call the bitstream base.bit?

I changed the name of the bitstream to base_fs_2_4576.bit. I have changed the import code slightly to import all the necessary files from the local folder instead of site-packages folder. That part seems to be working fine, I have used it in multiple variations of the same design.

This is one working variation in which I replaced the amplitude controller and packet generator IPs with custom HLS IPs:

About the no imaginary part issue, have you tested with the overlay provided by AMD? To check if there is no component issue, if the issue is only in software and not hardware.
The notebook provided by AMD should work with the base overlay they provided: (RFSoC-PYNQ/boards/RFSoC4x2/base/notebooks/rfdc/01_rf_dataconverter_introduction.ipynb at master · Xilinx/RFSoC-PYNQ · GitHub)

Yes, that works. The problem only arises when I change the sampling frequency.

In the DUC 0 configuration, is it normal that the Analog Output Data is “real”? Can it be switched to “I/Q”?
Same question for the Mixer mode in the “Mixer setting” of the same image

They can be changed. I’ve found one alternate DAC configuration which did not throw any errors, I’m going to try it tomorrow.

Hi Riya, I’m very interested in how you program the LMX and LMK clocks, and am wondering could you share what program you used to program these clocks, and if you have any good references to how to program them? Thank you very much!


I tried the new DAC configuration, and it is giving the same result.

Hi Zhimu,
I used TICS Pro to generate the register map for the LMX clocks. The LMK clock is fixed to 245.76 MHz. You can refer to these videos:,,

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Do you have the issue for sampling frequency as multiples of 245.76 MHz because you changed the sampling rate to 2.4576GHz?

Well I’m not even able to get proper results for 2.4576 GSPS so I haven’t tried any other sampling rate.

I believe for other sampling frequencies I will have to generate new LMX register values, I’m not sure if I will have to make any other changes in the design.

Why have you changed this clock? Did you want to reduce the PL clock because you reduced the sampling frequency?

Yes that was the intention, but I changed it back to 300 MHz and still got the same results. Imaginary outputs are 0.

If I understand correctly, you receive an imaginary part with the base overlay of AMD.
Then, you reduced that overlay (you modified the block design) and you changed the frequency settings. Your received signals are now without imaginary part.

Did you try going back to the base overlay of AMD, apply the frequency setting modifications, and test if you can still get an imaginary part? To be sure that your design reduction did not impact a configuration

Yeah the design is working. The imaginary part becomes 0 only when I change the sampling frequency to 2.4576 GSPS in the rfdc settings, and set LMX frequency as 245.76 MHz. The original design has LMX frequency = 491.52 MHz and sampling frequency = 4.9152 GSPS.