I’m trying to change the sampling frequency of the RFDC IP. The original was 4.91 GHz. I’m trying to run it at 2.4576 GHz.
These are the RFDC Settings:
For all other settings I have tried, the board crashes because of incorrect clock network. This is the only configuration in which the design works. However, it only collects real samples of data, and not imaginary ones. These are the output graphs:
Even channels 0 and 1, which are not given any input and are expected to collect garbage data, are not collecting imaginary samples. Please let me know if you have any ideas about how I can fix this issue, and also how I can change the sampling frequency to values which are not multiples of 245.76 MHz.
I changed the name of the bitstream to base_fs_2_4576.bit. I have changed the import code slightly to import all the necessary files from the local folder instead of site-packages folder. That part seems to be working fine, I have used it in multiple variations of the same design.
In the DUC 0 configuration, is it normal that the Analog Output Data is “real”? Can it be switched to “I/Q”?
Same question for the Mixer mode in the “Mixer setting” of the same image
Hi Riya, I’m very interested in how you program the LMX and LMK clocks, and am wondering could you share what program you used to program these clocks, and if you have any good references to how to program them? Thank you very much!
I believe for other sampling frequencies I will have to generate new LMX register values, I’m not sure if I will have to make any other changes in the design.
If I understand correctly, you receive an imaginary part with the base overlay of AMD.
Then, you reduced that overlay (you modified the block design) and you changed the frequency settings. Your received signals are now without imaginary part.
Did you try going back to the base overlay of AMD, apply the frequency setting modifications, and test if you can still get an imaginary part? To be sure that your design reduction did not impact a configuration
Yeah the design is working. The imaginary part becomes 0 only when I change the sampling frequency to 2.4576 GSPS in the rfdc settings, and set LMX frequency as 245.76 MHz. The original design has LMX frequency = 491.52 MHz and sampling frequency = 4.9152 GSPS.