Hi All,
I am attempting to use the Vitis acceleration flow on the Pynq-Z1 (PYNQ board; however, I am having a hard time collecting all of the required petalinux artefacts (zImage, sysroot, bif, etc) to create the Vitis “Platform Project”. Is there an easy way to do this without going through the vagrant vm sdcard build flow?
Up to this point, I have attempted to use the vagrant vm boxes (both xenial and bionic) and have run into issues on both. With Xenial the “vagrant up” command fails after numpy cannot be installed. With bionic, ubuntu 18.04.5 is install (which is not supported; I’ve can get the tools installed but then the petalinux ultimately fails during “petalinux-config --get-hw-description”.)
If anyone can point me towards a likely path for success I would be most greatful.