I notice that PYNQ SD card image is not available for ZYBO Z7-20.
Is that possible to build PYNQ SD card image with Vivado 2024.2, Vitis 2024.2 and Petalinux 2024.2 ? installed on Ubuntu 24.04 in Virtual Box ?
Hi @david_j,
Is that possible to build PYNQ SD card image with Vivado 2024.2, Vitis 2024.2 and Petalinux 2024.2 ? installed on Ubuntu 24.04 in Virtual Box ?
It may be possible, but this is not officially supported. You can find the tools and OS officially supported here: PYNQ SD Card image — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq)
If you search online, you will find SD card images for the Zybo board provided by 3rd party.