Hi, im using a Zybo z7 7020 board with pynq 3.0.1 and try to use GitHub - fastmachinelearning/hls4ml-tutorial: Tutorial notebooks for hls4ml
hls4m generates a file called axi_stream_driver.py to interact with the board but i get the following error:
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from pynq import Overlay, allocate
class NeuralNetworkOverlay(Overlay):
def __init__(
self, bitfile_name, x_shape, y_shape, dtype=np.float32, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None
super().__init__(bitfile_name, dtbo=None, download=True, ignore_version=False, device=None)
self.sendchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.sendchannel
self.recvchannel = self.hier_0.axi_dma_0.recvchannel
self.input_buffer = allocate(shape=x_shape, dtype=dtype)
self.output_buffer = allocate(shape=y_shape, dtype=dtype)
def _print_dt(self, timea, timeb, N):
dt = timeb - timea
dts = dt.seconds + dt.microseconds * 10**-6
rate = N / dts
print(f"Classified {N} samples in {dts} seconds ({rate} inferences / s)")
return dts, rate
def predict(self, X, debug=False, profile=False, encode=None, decode=None):
Obtain the predictions of the NN implemented in the FPGA.
- X : the input vector. Should be numpy ndarray.
- dtype : the data type of the elements of the input/output vectors.
Note: it should be set depending on the interface of the accelerator; if it uses 'float'
types for the 'data' AXI-Stream field, 'np.float32' dtype is the correct one to use.
Instead if it uses 'ap_fixed<A,B>', 'np.intA' is the correct one to use (note that A cannot
any integer value, but it can assume {..., 8, 16, 32, ...} values. Check `numpy`
doc for more info).
In this case the encoding/decoding has to be computed by the PS. For example for
'ap_fixed<16,6>' type the following 2 functions are the correct one to use for encode/decode
'float' -> 'ap_fixed<16,6>':
def encode(xi):
return np.int16(round(xi * 2**10)) # note 2**10 = 2**(A-B)
def decode(yi):
return yi * 2**-10
encode_v = np.vectorize(encode) # to apply them element-wise
decode_v = np.vectorize(decode)
- profile : boolean. Set it to `True` to print the performance of the algorithm in term of `inference/s`.
- encode/decode: function pointers. See `dtype` section for more information.
- return: an output array based on `np.ndarray` with a shape equal to `y_shape` and a `dtype` equal to
the namesake parameter.
if profile:
timea = datetime.now()
if encode is not None:
X = encode(X)
self.input_buffer[:] = X
if debug:
print("Transfer OK")
# await self.sendchannel.wait_async()
if debug:
print("Send OK")
#await self.recvchannel.wait_async()
if debug:
print("Receive OK")
# result = self.output_buffer.copy()
if decode is not None:
self.output_buffer = decode(self.output_buffer)
if profile:
timeb = datetime.now()
dts, rate = self._print_dt(timea, timeb, len(X))
return self.output_buffer, dts, rate
return self.output_buffer
is there a significant difference in the pynq-z2 board and mine (Zybo Z7 - Digilent Reference)?
what can i do to troubleshoot this?