Downloading installing python packages on jypter notebook

Hey guys,

I am working on a project where me and my teammates are trying to implement yolo algorithm on pynq board. We are working on the pynq z2 board. We are getting an error when we try to install the required python packages on the jupyter notebook.

Would really appreciate help in resolving the error and installing the packages…

How is your board connected?

Connecting the board directly to your computer can be convenient when getting started, but you need to connect it to your network if you want to install packages from the internet. See here:


We have connected it to the computer through ethernet to USB cable and we followed the same same process as the one mentioned in the link. Yet we are getting these errors. Could youbplease share the process to be followed to connect the board to internet?

You need to connect the board to your network.
If you are using your board at home you can connect the board to your Internet router

If you are using a work network, you should check with your IT about connecting the board to the network.

If you have a USB WiFi dongle, you may be able to use it with the board to connect to a WiFi network.
See the WiFi example notebook in the common folder on the board.
You can use a phone as a WiFi hotspot.


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Hello Sir,
I am Saurav Gupta and I am a college student currently trying to learn about PYNQ Z2 board. I am trying to install keras package on PYNQ but getting errors, so can you please give me complete steps which I should follow to download packages on PYNQ or you can provide me some documentation where I can learn about these things.