Hi Rock,
The details of the spec file and steps taken are detailed in this post
The contents of the spec file are
The content of the PYNQ-pnfs.spec file is
ARCH_PYNQ-pnfs := arm
BSP_PYNQ-pnfs := pnfs.bsp
BITSTREAM_PYNQ-pnfs := cz2_wrapper.bit
STAGE4_PACKAGES_PYNQ-pnfs := pynq boot_leds peekpoke sampleapp ethernet
pnfs.bsp is the bsp generated from executing in the associated SDK hardware directory
petalinux-package --bsp -p ~/peta-z2/pnfs/ --hwsource . --output pnfs.bsp
Note, this issue exists using the standard board files which come with the PYNQ distribution.
I will have a look at the scripts and makefiles when I have a chance to see if I can determine where the issue lies.