Hi all,
Which forum should I use to post questions, this one https://discuss.pynq.io/ or the older Redirecting to Google Groups?
My particular issue is concerned with porting petalinux_bsp meta-user layer configurations to PYNQ builds. The method is described in the Readme.md file located in the PYNQ sdbuild directory. The document states “Meta-user configurations can be added to the myboards/Myboard/petalinux_bsp
folder so the patches will be applied to the new BSP.” I have tried this for root image apps and u-boot configurations and both appear to not work.
I have tried this with both the ZCU111 and pynq-z2 targets and was unable to get it to work. Taking the pynq-z2 example.
I added a simpleapp and peekpoke as per ug1144 to the petalinux rootfs. The associated petalinux project is called pnfs and is located at ~/pynq-z2/pnfs on my system. I also setup pnfs to use a NFS share. I tested the resulting petalinux build and it worked correctly.
Using the tool petalinux-package --bsp I used the resulting bsp to generate the PYNQ image. This was done by using the both the image_from_prebuilt.sh and manually. Both methods failed to produce an img with the NFS options as specified by petalinux or produce the sampleapp. Next I tried to add the petalinux recipes to the petalinux_bsp/meta-user directory for the board. Same issue, none of the petalinux configurations and apps where ported to the boot and rootfs of the PYNQ. In all cases the PYNQ build process completed and produced an image.
The content of the PYNQ-pnfs.spec file is
ARCH_PYNQ-pnfs := arm
BSP_PYNQ-pnfs := pnfs.bsp
BITSTREAM_PYNQ-pnfs := cz2_wrapper.bit
STAGE4_PACKAGES_PYNQ-pnfs := pynq boot_leds peekpoke sampleapp ethernet
pnfs.bsp is the bsp generated from executing in the associated SDK hardware directory
petalinux-package --bsp -p ~/peta-z2/pnfs/ --hwsource . --output pnfs.bsp
The meta-user directory is located in
Content of meta-user is same as content in the equivalent petalinux project pnfs.
I am starting to conclude that the petalinux recipes cannot be used to install programs on the PYNQ rootfs and that the package flow which uses the qemu tools is used instead. I also think the u-boot used by PYNQ is not currently configurable by using a base petalinux recipe. For example, the u-boot built for the ZCU111 has no tftpboot or NFS support while the version for the pynq-z2 does. I used the meta-user BSP recipes for the pynq-z2 for u-boot but the u-boot built for the ZCU111 did not change. Similarly, when I altered the petalinux configuration to support NFS for the pynq-z2 and changed the associated meta-user bsp layer, the changes were not reflected in the PYNQ build.
I would therefore be grateful if anyone could advise me of how it is done. Use of the package flow for root image apps will be okay but we need to alter the ZCU111 u-boot to support NFS and TFTP booting.