You can do this rearrangement in hw using a AXI4 Stream Subset converter to swap the color channels.
I notice the frames extracted from the vdma are of the format, pynq.buffer.PynqBuffer described as a “subclass of array” does that mean it can be treated the same as a numpy array?
Yes, this is a numpy array that you can manipulate.
Worked great, that was an easy fix. Thanks for the help along the way.
I’m still unsure what prevents the MIPI camera from being able to be used with the base overlay. If I need to use the camera within this PYNQ base design in the future I will look back into it and update the thread.
Hi cking,
really good job.
I am facing similar issues in designing a custom overlay for 5C MIPI cam.
I wonder if you could share your “base overlay” that is working with the “cameron king notebook” above.
Hi @cking ,
thanks a lot.
In the mean time, I was working with the KV260 base overlay. I wrote a workaround to configure the V_Proc_sys and the PixelPacker IPs to get GRAY frames.
Here you can find the python code if you are interested.
Hi @juanppalacios ,
I used the original base overlay GitHub - mariodruiz/Kria-PYNQ , and some python code to reconfig the V_proc and Pixelpacker IP.
You can find the python code here:
In addition, in the following post you can find the workaround of a little bug in the overlay: