I am building PYNQ Image following the procedure in " PYNQ SD Card — Python productivity for Zynq (Pynq)
- Cloned PYNQ master, from GitHub - Xilinx/PYNQ: Python Productivity for ZYNQ, on Ubuntu 16.04. Also installed Petalinux 2020.1 and Vitis 2020.1; which are working for other applications.
- Installed dependencies using the following script ; /sdbuild/scripts/setup_host.sh
- At line 125 of (setup_host.sh) symbolic links to be created
The script fails at line 125 as shown below;
4. /opt/qemu/bin folder do not exist, and “setup_host.sh” do install QEMU, but not in (/optqemu/bin) folder.
Any Feedback and comment on how to resolve this problem will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks In advance.